Become a Financial Supporter or Sponsor
Every contribution, regardless of size, makes a difference.
Consider a monthly, annual, memorial, or legacy donation, sponsor an event, or donate a gift.
Your support of S4OM & S4OE helps advance our mission by developing public and professional resources. Charitable contributions may be tax-deductible, as allowed by law.
Individuals and businesses can support S4OM financially in many ways:
- with a monthly or annual cash donation
- sponsor a scholarship
- in honor of a friend, colleague, or loved one
- in memory of a friend, colleague, or loved one
- with a matching donation from your employer
- sponsor an event or speaker
- give a gift for a raffle or award
- as a legacy or bequest
- in addition to a member application or renewal
To donate now, please click on the donate now button below and complete the S4OM-S4OE donation form. We appreciate your generosity!
All donations support key programs & projects
We have a broad list of projects that aim to provide awareness about oncology massage and oncology esthetic services:
- Advancement of international education standards and competencies for educators
- Promotion of continuing education to ensure that therapists have the skills necessary to work within hospitals, medical clinics, private office, spa settings
- Scholarships, conferences, and sponsored workshops
- Grants for service or research projects in the field of oncology massage and esthetics
- Developing strategic partnerships and access to community resources
- Developing cultural competency
- Maintaining a current and up-to-date website platform
One hundred percent of funds raised go to support Society for Oncology Massage and Society for Oncology Esthetics endeavors.