Oncology Esthetics 101
An Introduction to Oncology Esthetics
Oncology esthetics is not a technique; it embraces a holistic approach where estheticians carefully assess and adapt traditional skincare methods to cater to the individual needs of clients who are currently receiving or have received treatment for cancer. These adjustments are specifically tailored to address the side effects of cancer treatments and related complications.
A variety of esthetic therapies can be safely administered. As treatment progresses, services may target issues such as dry skin, rashes, redness, sensitivity, hair loss, nail lifting, and more. The scope of oncology esthetic treatments and their benefits is wide-ranging depending on client specific needs.
Practitioners in this field possess comprehensive knowledge of the cancer process, including the short- and long-term effects of treatments, as well as the physical and emotional challenges they may present. Modifications to esthetic treatments encompass various aspects including session duration, gentle touch, comfortable positioning, lymphedema risk management, product choices and addressing specific concerns such as ports, catheters, incisions, or sensitive areas.
Oncology Esthetics serves as a valuable component of a care plan, whether a person is undergoing treatment, in recovery, or seeking to maintain skin health through esthetic therapies in the years following treatment.
Oncology Esthetics plays a vital role in helping individuals navigate their cancer journey with comfort and confidence. Through clinically supported and personalized esthetic services, trained oncology estheticians can address the skin, hair, and nail changes that often accompany cancer treatments. Benefits may include:
- Re-establishing a sense of normalcy
- Relieving cancer related skin conditions
- Improving skin health
- Providing emotional support
- Customizing skin care
- Enhancing quality of life
- Reducing pain, stress, anxiety, and fatigue
- Facilitating scar tissue healing
- Supporting a healthy lymphatic system