Jennifer Salness
Summit Panelist

Jennifer Salness is a Stage 4 Metastasized Melanoma Patient. She has experienced Melanoma, skin cancer, since 2018 and it has metastasized twice into lymph nodes and the colon. Her fear of the medical system prevented her from taking care of a spot on her skin for many years and she was diagnosed at Stage 3C. She has navigated the ins and outs of the medical system with grace and appreciation through hundreds of appointments, consults, surgeries, procedures, and 2.5 years of Immunotherapy treatment. She complemented her treatments with oncology massage, acupuncture, energy healing, and other mind-body practices to support the rollercoaster.
Friday, 4/21/23 1:30 – 3:00 PM
Panel: Perspectives on and the Implementation of Integrative Care
Panel Moderator: Jill Cole Co-Panelists: Liza Dion and Spring Saldana
Jennifer will join a panel discussion on the movement toward integrative care models and how it will require collaborative leadership from many stakeholders in healthcare. The discussion will provide tangible steps toward an attainable model that narrows health disparities and creates access to health across all populations.