S.A.M.O. Sociedad Americana de Masaje Oncologico
S.A.M.O. It is an organization with headquarters in Argentina and subsidiaries in Bolivia and Uruguay.
Since 2019 we have been doing oncological massage, oncological aesthetics and navigation for cancer patients voluntarily and free of charge in various hospitals and ONG´s in Argentina, Bolivia and Uruguay. In 2022 we signed a collaboration agreement with the San Simon University in Cochabamba, Bolivia, which endorses our training course in oncological massage.
Our training program has the endorsement of S4OM, Universidad Mayor de San Simon, A.A.D.E.O. (Argentine Association of Oncological Aesthetics) and N.O.P. (Oncology Patient Navigation)
Foundational Course:
- Masaje Oncologico Nivel 1 – Level 1 Oncology Massage (24 hs)
Find upcoming oncology massage foundational classes in the S4OM Education Calendar
Supplemental Courses Available
Rodolfo López 978
Company Phone
Primary Contact
Marcelo Peñaloza
[email protected]