Carolyn Tague

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Carolyn Tague has been a hospital-based massage therapist since 2006 and has been teaching since 2007. Her focus is in-patient, oncology, neurology, pediatrics and medically complex patients, including trauma and grief. She is based in the San Francisco Bay Area and teaches locally and internationally.

EDUCATOR: Continuing education (CE) courses for massage therapists in integrative bodywork practices for Oncology, Neurological Challenges, Pediatrics, Hospital-based Massage Therapy, Building Therapeutic Relationships, and Integrative Grief Therapy. Please see, NCBTMB; Society for Oncology Massage Recognized Educator or

CONSULTANT: Contract work with hospitals, clinics and other healthcare organizations building integrative healthcare services. Assist with policies and procedures, job descriptions, competencies, protocols for best practices, forms development, work-flow auditing. Please see Program Manager; Lead Instructor at UCSF Stad Center for Pediatric Pain, Palliative and Integrative Medicine.

VOLUNTEER: Board Member at Large of Association of Massage Therapists in Healthcare (AMTiHC)